Channel: Sons of Mortikah
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Showcase: Arrakis the Thrice-Damned: Ferrum Infernus Dreadnought & Dreadclaw flyer base.

Hi folks,
After one-and-a-half month, it was due time for another update. Since the last post, I've moved to another house (finally, with a dedicated hobby-room!), so painting kind of slowed down to a trickle. Since then, I've gone back to painting. Next month, I've got an Apocalypse match planned with some lads I met on Facebook. Nothing motivates me more than a good match on the horizon and a vow to have every single unit painted, so that no unfinished models are brought to said Apocalypse match.

Some time ago, I purchased two resin scenic bases from an obscure Ukranian website. The base used for the Dreadnought had the feet cast onto it, which reminds me of the old Dreadnought bases Forge World used to sell. Secondly, the flyer base had a neat cross-cut into it, so that a GW flying stem fits perfectly. Both these things saved me a lot of trouble, and the result doesn't lie!

I've had the dreadnought painted for some time, but since I fitted it onto its new base, I can finally say that it's finished. During regular games, I'll be running it as a plain Helbrute. With narrative games, it'll be used as a proper Ferrum Infernus, as per the rules found in Imperial Armour 13.
Finally, the Dreadclaw has a nice base as well. I'm real happy with the result. The next Iron Warriors project I'm focusing on now, are the Hell Talon and a ten-man Havoc squad with plasma guns. When those are done, I'll be heading back to the Guardians of the Covenant (finally!) for a proper Land Speeder army.

- Revan88

Work in Progress: Iron Warriors Defiler

One of the nicest (and oldest) plastic kits for the Chaos Space Marine product line has to be the Defiler. I love this kit to bits. A right 'n proppa Daemon Engine. It's not yet finished. Still some highlighting to do here and there, but you get the feel.

A nice thing about the Defiler is that it's big and scary. Aside of that making it a big target, it also intimidates opponents. This effect should not be ignored. An opponent shall direct a lot of fire towards this model to try and take it out.
The hazard stripes were made with Tamiya masking tape and the trophy spikes on top were painted in the livery of two of my opponents (red Tau and Necrons).

The lascannons on the side of the Defiler are actually from an old Contemptor dreadnought, I decided to give that dreadnought a conversion beamer and the Contemptor weapons fit perfectly on the sides of Mr. Defiler.

Other stuff on my painting table at the moment are 15 cultists and a 10 man havoc squad with plasma guns. Expect some pics of those, soon.

Work in Progress: Renegades & Heretics

Nearly weekend!

Prepping my models for a match is always a good motivator for me; I have a rule where I only use models that are at finished completely. Though I strive to follow that rule at all times, I must admit that I play with "almost finished" models from time to time. Never will I play with so-called "grey" models or models that are simply primed black or white.

Now back to the prepping. Friday night is my FLGS's Warhammer night, and I like to finish up models so that I can use them during these friday nights. Behold: the Cult of Steel, dual cultists and Renegades & Heretics. I plan on using them either as Chaos cultists as per the CSM codex and once I have expanded a bit, they will be an allied detachment from Imperial Armour 13, complete with some neat heavy mortars from Victoria Miniatures and nice artillery crew. A nice allied detachment that will fit the theme of the Iron Warriors pretty well, plus the mortars will probably pound some enemies to submission.

Since I always hobby during evenings, and natural light is far, far away this time of the year, please forgive me for the crappy iPhone photos.

The models use Forge World's renegade torsos and some proper Cadian arms and legs. The base is a simple cork this time, instead of expensive resin bases I usually have a taste of. I plan on making a lot, lot more of these so I painted them in tabletop quality. No need to spend hours on single miniatures when I plan to have about 60 of them on the field. As a group, they look splendid. I might make them a little more drab with some weathering powders and some Typhus Corrosion, a nice technical paint with the right amount of drabbiness.

- Revan88

Editorial: Concerning the "Second-army Syndrome"


Hi folks,

I know this blog was originally solely dedicated to the painting and gaming of and with my Guardians of the Covenant army and lately, the Iron Warriors have been ever more prevalent. Thing is, I suffer from the "second army syndrome". While I absolutely love the Guardians of the Covenant to bits, I seem to favour my second large army, the Iron Warriors, a bit more. The Guardians moving to obscurity a bit. I still play with them from time to time, but Chaos and IA13 is where I get my kicks nowadays. Sure, I've got a new Mortis Dreadnought (the boxy one) and several nice Land Speeders including a Darkshroud and Sableclaw primed black and ready to paint, I still need to regain my mojo with the Guardians of the Covenant.

As will all large armies that span the process of several years, my skill with painting has grown as well. This is quite visible when comparing both armies. I'm not saying the Guardians were painted badly, but the Iron Warriors are simply painted better. Especially the weathering on the vehicles is better with my Chaos tanks, save for the GotC Fellblade, which is still one of my best models to date.

Currently, my Iron Warriors have surpassed my Guardians of the Covenant as the biggest army. That is no small feat, because the Guardians have always been Apocalypse-sized around 5000pts. I would like to regain my painting mojo when it comes to the Guardians of the Covenant, not at the cost of losing interest with my Iron Warriors, of course.

Still, it's not all negative. I've been working on a nice Inquisitorial warband and ditto Inquisitor. One I've written a cool backstory for in the past. The Inquisitor and his warband is meant to accompany my Guardians army. They're halfway finished. If anything, a good impulse to my "loyalist army."

Still, with the Betrayal at Calth on the horizon, 30k gaming is a given sooner or later. I've already got  several units that are have a dual function as both Chaos and Horus Heresy units (rapiers, autocannon squad, Mk3 veterans). So, I am looking for a way to keep the Guardians of the Covenant interesting, even though the focus will be shifting to Heresy-era Iron Warriors sooner or later.

Knowing myself, I know that painting and working on a certain army creates the buzz, more than actually playing with an army. So, perhaps purchasing some new units or finishing up Guardians that have been in a WIP state for several years might help.

When I take a look at several fellow hobbyists I know, I see that I am not the only one with the Second-army Syndrome. Mostly, it's one army standing firmly in the spotlights and more often that not, it's the army that is newest that steals the show.

Still, I am interested in how other people cope with this? Are you able to love your armies and play with them equally, or is one of your armies prone to neglect on the shelf? How would you handle, or even, solve this?


Work in Progress: Iron Warriors Hell Talon Fighter-Bomber

I haven't posted for some time, last post was in November I believe. I took a break from painting, since I lost a bit of mojo. Sometimes, when it comes to hobbying, I''m a bit over-saturated and I need a well-earned break. Playing games with my armies still continues, but the painting/building aspect is on hold for some weeks or months.

But not any longer! The best motivation I can have is that I have to meet a deadline. I dislike playing with unpainted models, so when I have a nice (large) battle upcoming and feel the need to use new toys, I embark upon a quest to finish that model so I can use it in the battle.
This has always worked for me and with that in mind I started working again on my Hell Talon. As you can see, it's far from there yet, but It will be done by tonight. All I need to add is some decals, weathering and highlights and she's ready to dominate the skies!

Hell Talon - Now with hazard stripes!

Tamiya 6mm masking tape works best for this kind of job.

Warp Pulse Bombs slowly gaining colour

I use a custom flight rod and base from Dragon Forge Studios.
To the left is the GW flyer base.

She stands firm!

Finally, added the canopy. I decided red glass was better looking.
Renegade Guardsman on the wing for scale reference. The Hell Talon is easily 1,5 Baneblades long.

Showcase: Renegade Wyvern

So, I've got a new phone (Galaxy S7) and wow. Just wow. The pictures it takes are just stunning and so crisp!

Now on to the model. It's the first of a squadron of three Wyverns. as such, it holds the honour of being the squadron command vehicle. I plan on giving the other two tanks no hazard stripes and less prominent Chaos icons. All in all the model was nice to paint and went together well, using the trusty Chimera chassis. The gunner is a regular Cadian which I've given rebreather backpack and a skull to "chaosify" him a bit, and yes, I even painted the tiny cigar he holds in his lips. The tank commander holding the co-ordinates is using a regular FW renegade torso.
Where possible, I've covered up the aquila's, such as the ones on the tank's flanks. The aquila on the turret I kept and defiled it a bit by scratching it with a hobby knife. The hazard stripes are done with Tamiya masking tape 6mm. The tank uses two base colours: leadbelcher and Khorne red, topped with several washes, drybrushes and highlights.

My Renegade Guard army, the Apostates of Draghan, are taking shape nicely. I've got a full infantry platoon with special and heavy weapons, and a ten man Command Squad all done and based, and a trio of Leman Russes in the process of being painted. All in all it's an awesome army. Seeing 50+ bodies on the table is a fearsome sight!

A Thousand Points of Heretics


So, this is the list I will be using tonight: Thousand points. 48 Renegade Guardsmen with an Iron Warriors allied detachment. Not a whole lot to explain, just wanted to share this picture.

Photos of The Great April Apocalypse

Every couple of months, me and my friends gather for an epic Apocalypse match. 3k points per player, four players per side. With awesome battlefields that are constructed just for this match, the battles always provide for awesome photo's. Though our side brutally lost the match due to OP Eldar (I'm looking at you, Lynx..) shenanigans and one particular Tau player who takes winning just a bit too seriously (parking a Ta'unar in a 6 void shield bubble..), we still had lots of fun.

WIP: Iron Warriors Centurion (30k)


Just a quick pic of an Iron Warriors Centurion Om working on. As you could've guessed. ot's the 2011 Gamesday model. In my opinion one of the best Mk3 marines out there. Still a lot needs to be done obviously, but the general idea is there!

Works In Progress: Renegade Heavy Mortars & Land Raider Proteus

After - sadly, another - 1,5 month hiatus, I decided it was about time I started to get back on track with 40k. This year has seen so much stuff completed. I reckon that I've completed more models and projects the first three months of 2016, than I've completed in 2014 and 2015 combined. This insane rush to complete armies, start a new one and work on two existing armies caused some kind of fallout in my hobby mojo.

Anyway, enough ramblings. On with the new stuff. Below is a Heavy Mortar unit consisting of three mortars and a squad consisting of six men (one pack of Renegade Artillery Crew is being shipped from Notthingham as I write). The last photograph however, is a new toy I've acquired: a Land Raider Proteus. A pal of mine sold it to me for a mere 70 EUR, which is a bargain if you ask me. With shipping the tank costs 122 EUR when ordered from Forge World directly.
The only thing that the Proteus still needs aside of a paintjob are Iron Warriors Land Raider doors from FW, but I'll order those later because..

...I'm saving up for a Chaos Warhound Titan! My estimate is that I'll be ordering it early july. Let's hope that the Pound Sterling to Euro exchange Rate doesn't skyrocket in the mean time!

The Master of Artillery in all his splendour
Heavy Mortars plus crew
Land Raider Proteus sans Iron Warriors doors

Showcase: Renegade Heavy Mortar teams

Finally, the Heavy Mortars are done. Ever since I started my Renegades & Heretics army, I really wanted to have some field artillery, prefferably the heavy mortars instead of the quad mortars. They simply look awesome. 

The unit consists of 9 soldiers manning three pieces of artillery. I have a Master of Ordinance, a spotter, two loaders and five support soldiers with lasguns.

That said, have a look at how they turned out!

Work in Progress: Heresy-Era Iron Warriors Legion


Just as the title says. I'm working on my BaC infantry. Since the new BaC set The Burning of Prospero was announced, I've been on a rush to complete the set. Only once I've finished the set for the full 100%, do I allow myself to go ahead and buy the new box. I've already got a large backlog, I don't want it to become even bigger with an influx of 50+ models!

What you see here is tabletop quality. While I do like my troops to look good, I am not a perfectionist when it comes to the rank and file. An army looks as good as the sum of all models is my creed.

It's a Chaos black basecoat with leadbelcher base colour. After that a thorough Nuln Oil wash and again a Leadbelcher highlight. The shoulder trims and copper elements are painted a thin Gehenna's Gold followed by - again - a Nuln Oil wash. The left kneepad will display either the legion or the Grand Company and the left one will see some hazard stripes.

80% finished Legion Sergeant and 2nd Legion Sergeant with just the basecoat

Iron Warriors Legionnaire
First 10 man Tactical Squad, nearly done.
Legionary Sergeant close-up

Iron Warriors Tactical Squad Harubal

Nearly done, tactical squad Harubal is accompanied by the Warsmith and the Siege Breaker.

They will be part of an orbital assault force and will be getting their own Legion Drop Pod. I added in a Anvilus-pattern backpack just for that extra touch.

The Warsmith is based off Narik Dreygur, with the servo-backpack from the ancient metal Warsmith model from GW proper.

The Siege Breaker is the original 2011 Games Day model from FW and will be leading a squad of breachers into battle.

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