Building a Greater Brass Scorpion part II
After a brief intermission from working on the Brass Scorpion, I dared to continue. The model has been primed and has received a leadbelcher basecoat. Since the actual construction of the model...
View ArticleStorm of Iron: First battle with the Iron Warriors
I've had my first battle with my Iron Warriors. They proved to be utterly devastating. However, the battle was a bit one sided. We played with three players, 1500pts a side on a rectangular table. I...
View ArticleBuilding a Greater Brass Scorpion part III
Hey folks,It's been a while since my last post. The hobby has been on a 3 month hiatus. After finishing my Iron Warriors army I took a lengthy break, losing a lot of painting mojo. The fellow below and...
View ArticleMarch of the Super-Heavies
Hi folks, This weekend saw some work on my Brass Scorpion. I gave it an extra black ink wash and started to work on the brass trims. Still a lot of work and weathering needs to be done. Anyway, during...
View ArticleA Work in Progress: Traitor Shadowsword Superheay Tank
Another day, another super-heavy.I've recently purchased a ready-built second hand Shadowsword tank. Of course, it was going to become an Iron Warriors tank. And so I dug into my bitzbox to Chaosify...
View ArticleWork in progress: Iron Warriors Chaos Dreadclaw
One of my latest purchases is a Legion Dreadclaw. Something about this model just screams awesomeness. The build was pretty straightforward, once you've gotten the hang of it (which in my case took...
View ArticleFinally: Iron Warriors army shot!
It took me a while, but finally I've got an army shot for my Iron Warriors. Aside of a primered Shadowsword that was too unfinished to display, this is the entirety of my (ever expanding) Iron Warriors...
View ArticleShowcase: Iron Warriors Maulerfiend
Finally I've got something to show off again!This time it's a Maulerfiend for my ever growing Iron Warriors daemon engine army. Its name is the Hellraker, and it's hungry for some Imperial Fists...
View ArticleShowcase: Iron Warriors Dreadclaw Drop Pod
Hello Folks,With the impending release of the new Dark Angels codex (which I'll have tonight!), I'll finally turn my attention back to my first true love: the Guardians of the Covenant. I'll be picking...
View ArticleWork in Progress: Hell Talon Fighter-Bomber
A good friend of mine had this Hell Talon lyring around in its original sealbag ever since its release in 2004(!). When he offered to sell me the model for a fair price, I just could not say no. The...
View ArticleBattle Pics from last weekend's Apocalypse match!
Four 6' x 4' tables joined together made for one hell of a battlefieldSome of the weapons of warTallarn on the move.More Lawrence of Arabia in SPESS!The Scorpion on the prowlHarry the Traitor didn't...
View ArticleIron Warriors: Running Contemptor Dreadnought and others
Hey lads,Though far from finished, I wanted to show you what's in my current backlog. After doing a lot of thinking on how to model the kit below, I finally decided on a running pose, since that suits...
View ArticleShowcase: Arrakis the Thrice-Damned: Ferrum Infernus Dreadnought & Dreadclaw...
Hi folks, After one-and-a-half month, it was due time for another update. Since the last post, I've moved to another house (finally, with a dedicated hobby-room!), so painting kind of slowed down to a...
View ArticleWork in Progress: Iron Warriors Defiler
One of the nicest (and oldest) plastic kits for the Chaos Space Marine product line has to be the Defiler. I love this kit to bits. A right 'n proppa Daemon Engine. It's not yet finished. Still some...
View ArticleWork in Progress: Renegades & Heretics
Nearly weekend!Prepping my models for a match is always a good motivator for me; I have a rule where I only use models that are at finished completely. Though I strive to follow that rule at all times,...
View ArticleEditorial: Concerning the "Second-army Syndrome"
Hi folks,I know this blog was originally solely dedicated to the painting and gaming of and with my Guardians of the Covenant army and lately, the Iron Warriors have been ever more prevalent. Thing is,...
View ArticleWork in Progress: Iron Warriors Hell Talon Fighter-Bomber
I haven't posted for some time, last post was in November I believe. I took a break from painting, since I lost a bit of mojo. Sometimes, when it comes to hobbying, I''m a bit over-saturated and I need...
View ArticleShowcase: Renegade Wyvern
So, I've got a new phone (Galaxy S7) and wow. Just wow. The pictures it takes are just stunning and so crisp!Now on to the model. It's the first of a squadron of three Wyverns. as such, it holds the...
View ArticleA Thousand Points of Heretics
So, this is the list I will be using tonight: Thousand points. 48 Renegade Guardsmen with an Iron Warriors allied detachment. Not a whole lot to explain, just wanted to share this picture.
View ArticlePhotos of The Great April Apocalypse
Every couple of months, me and my friends gather for an epic Apocalypse match. 3k points per player, four players per side. With awesome battlefields that are constructed just for this match, the...
View ArticleWIP: Iron Warriors Centurion (30k)
Just a quick pic of an Iron Warriors Centurion Om working on. As you could've guessed. ot's the 2011 Gamesday model. In my opinion one of the best Mk3 marines out there. Still a lot needs to be done...
View ArticleWorks In Progress: Renegade Heavy Mortars & Land Raider Proteus
After - sadly, another - 1,5 month hiatus, I decided it was about time I started to get back on track with 40k. This year has seen so much stuff completed. I reckon that I've completed more models and...
View ArticleShowcase: Renegade Heavy Mortar teams
Finally, the Heavy Mortars are done. Ever since I started my Renegades & Heretics army, I really wanted to have some field artillery, prefferably the heavy mortars instead of the quad mortars. They...
View ArticleWork in Progress: Heresy-Era Iron Warriors Legion
Just as the title says. I'm working on my BaC infantry. Since the new BaC set The Burning of Prospero was announced, I've been on a rush to complete the set. Only once I've finished the set for the...
View ArticleIron Warriors Tactical Squad Harubal
Nearly done, tactical squad Harubal is accompanied by the Warsmith and the Siege Breaker.They will be part of an orbital assault force and will be getting their own Legion Drop Pod. I added in a...
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