Guardians of the Covenant Fellblade Superheavy Tank - Part IV: Basecoating
Hey folks,Today I finally finished constructing the Fellblade. Yes, even the gun sponsons and the cables finally fit together after an "elegan/tg/entleman" on a well known imageboard showed me the way....
View ArticleLore of the Guardians of the Covenant: Chapter Organisation
Index of the companies of the Guardians of the Covenant and their Masters.1st Company – Convenio Mentoris “Gathering of Teachers”The First Company is known as the Covenio Mentoris, its members are...
View ArticleFuture Ideas: Custom Sammael, Predator Assassin Squadron
Predator Assassin SquadronRecently, i've been musing about some really, really cool ideas for my Guardians of the Covenant Apocalypse army.Slowly but surely, I've been building towards an Predator...
View ArticleLore of the Guardians of the Covenant: The Chapter and the Imperium
The Chapter's Relations with the ImperiumAdeptus Mechanicus The Guardians of the Covenant have indeed very favourable relations with the Priests of Mars. The simple fact that the Mechanicum and the...
View ArticleGuardians of the Covenant Fellblade Superheavy Tank - Part V: The First Layer
Hey folks,It was about time I started painting the Fellblade. The task of starting to paint a model and deciding what colour goes where is a daunting and intimidating task. It was for this reason that...
View ArticleLore of the Guardians of the Covenant: Mortikah
MortikahMortikah VII as seen from its sister planetMortikah VIIThe primary planet located in the green zone of its star Mortikah Prime is Mortikah VII. It is a world of many mountains and vales. With...
View ArticleA Thousand Points of Warfare: The Pictures
Last Friday night I had an awesome battle with two young lads, Melih and Rowan. Though their 1500pt list (we upscaled it a bit) was filled with some cheese (*cough* the Stormlord *cough*) and I got...
View ArticleLore of the Guardians of the Covenant: The Lelith Incursion. Part I
The Lelith IncursionPart 1 One of the most famous battles the Space Marines of the Guardians of the Covenant have fought, the Lelith Incursion was also one of the must brutal, grinding the chapter down...
View ArticleA work in progress: Damocles Command Rhino. Part IV
It's been several months since my lasy post about this beauty. It's a Damocles Rhino and my, was it a joy to paint. It still lacks some weathering and ofcourse some decal work, but other than that it's...
View ArticleA Thousand Points of Warfare: Even more pictures!
Hey folks,It's been a while since I've posted. As of late, I've lost a bit of mojo when it comes to the Hobby. I've got a new blog in the works, a Fellblade, ac squad, terminators and some Iron...
View ArticleThousand Points of Warfare Tournament: The Pictures!
Hey folks!Yesterday, the 2nd of November marked the day of the Small Grand Tournament (some participants jokingly named it as such). Even though I lost most of my matches, I had a ton of fun and there...
View ArticleGuardians of the Covenant Fellblade Superheavy Tank - Part VI: The washing
Hey folks,November and October have been calm months for the hobby. I somehow couldn't find my mojo and thus left this great model (among others) gathering dust. This week however, saw some action. I...
View ArticleThousand Points of Warfare: Tau Trouble!
Yesterday saw some action against the Tau and their shooty onslaught. I went up against Shadowsun and a cadre of Crisis Suits, two squads of Fire Warriors and Pathfinders and a bloody Riptide. Ouch...
View ArticleNew Blog on the Horizon: Storm of Iron
Very, very recently I've made my first steps as a Heretic; I've started a Chaos Space Marine army, which I will be building towards 1000 points, so it can compete in my FLGS weekly friday night...
View ArticleAn experiment: using home-printed transfers.
Hey guys,Several months ago, I've posted about how I printed my own decals(, and I gave them a try this morning. Now,...
View ArticleGuardians of the Covenant Fellblade Superheavy Tank - Part VII: Pre-weathering
Hey folks,Last Friday saw a lot of work on this bad boy. From highlights to further colouring and actually painting the quad lascannons, that afternoon saw a lot of work done. I even started working on...
View ArticleThousand Points of Warfare: Devastation
Hey all,Last Friday I played a nice match against a friend's Necron army down at the FLGS. The list I made was centered around the Dark Angels' Banner of Devastation, which makes all boltguns salvo 2/4...
View ArticleGuardians of the Covenant Fellblade Superheavy Tank - Part VIII:Weathering
Hello folks,To celebrate the warmest 8 March ever in recorded history, I decided to put some effort into bringing this beast of a tank a giant leap further to completion. I've started weathering...
View ArticleGuardians of the Covenant Fellblade Superheavy Tank - Part IX:...
I just had to take some pictures of the Fellblade next to a Predator, this morning. The sheer mass and size when compared to the already fearsome Predator tank is just stunning. Since my last update...
View ArticleLore of the Guardians of the Covenant: Famous Campaigns and Battles. Part I
During their long history, the Guardians of the Covenant have fought a great many wars and crusades. Though most have been lost in the sands of time, forgotten save for a tattered banner of withered...
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