Hey folks,
It's been a while since my last post. The hobby has been on a 3 month hiatus. After finishing my Iron Warriors army I took a lengthy break, losing a lot of painting mojo. The fellow below and a lot of Eldar Wraithguard were the cause. Sometimes I enter a "writer's block" when it comes to painting. I simply don't know how to proceed and the seed of doubt that was planted grows into a big tree. Especially with a model this big (and expensive), painting it is taking a lot of risk. Yes I can strip it from all paint should I really mess up, but I'd rather avoid doing that.
What you're looking at now is the scorpion without its scaled plates and claws and with a leadbelcher basecoat, topped with a black ink wash. It will get a lot of layers before it's done. Instead of the standard Tamiya-coloured Khorne red, this fellow will get a rugged, rusty metal look as I used with most of my Iron Warriors. Expect a lot of weathering and a very grumpy, very grimy Brass Scorpion.
What you're looking at now is the scorpion without its scaled plates and claws and with a leadbelcher basecoat, topped with a black ink wash. It will get a lot of layers before it's done. Instead of the standard Tamiya-coloured Khorne red, this fellow will get a rugged, rusty metal look as I used with most of my Iron Warriors. Expect a lot of weathering and a very grumpy, very grimy Brass Scorpion.
As you can see in the first few pictures, I actually purchased and used a big lump of Play-Doh clay (it smells godawful) to make a sort of belly pedestal. After this I glued the legs on using a mixture of PVA glue and super glue. This creates a super strong, less brittle hold that is more commonly used in conjunction with pinning when it comes to larger (resin) models. I considered pinning the legs, but the awkward ball joints didn't really allow the pin to be placed well. It's not the most friendly model to build, though nowhere near as terrible as the Storm Eagle from Forge World.
Anyway, enough banter. See for yourself!