Hey guys,
Been a while since I posted. I've had a several month hiatus from the hobby. Nevertheless, my Iron Warriors army is nearing completion. I've been steadily building towards a list of around 1500-1850 points. I expect it to be fully done this month. Expect some very cool pictures when it's completed.
On the other hand, sticking with the Iron Warriors, I've been planning a small Horus Heresy army. Due to the high cost of the models, it will be a long-term novelty project. But painting worn metal and hazard stripes have proven to be such fun, that I'm willing to do some more.
Cheers and have a nice weekend!
Been a while since I posted. I've had a several month hiatus from the hobby. Nevertheless, my Iron Warriors army is nearing completion. I've been steadily building towards a list of around 1500-1850 points. I expect it to be fully done this month. Expect some very cool pictures when it's completed.
On the other hand, sticking with the Iron Warriors, I've been planning a small Horus Heresy army. Due to the high cost of the models, it will be a long-term novelty project. But painting worn metal and hazard stripes have proven to be such fun, that I'm willing to do some more.
Cheers and have a nice weekend!